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It's that time of the week again! Time for my weekly Pregnancy Update! Today see's me entering my 23rd week. One more week to go and our baby will be viable! Nothing overly new to report. I don't feel as big as I look, and often forget that I am actually... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Baby, Bump, Bump to Birth 4, Pregnancy, Update

So yesterday saw me reach the 22 week milestone. Another 2 weeks and baby will be classed as viable should he decide to put in a very early appearance. I'm feeling really well within myself. My energy levels have their moments and I tend to have days... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Baby, Bump to Birth 4, Pregnancy. Bump, Update

So, I've been keeping a little secret from you. Well, a really BIG secret if I'm honest. Now is the time to tell you. In fact, I don't think I can hide it any more.... literally!! We are pleased to announce that we have a new bundle of joy cooking! We... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Bump to Birth 4, Pregnancy, Secret