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The Dictionary definition of a lullaby is: lullaby [ luhl-uh-bahy] noun 1. a song used to lull a child to sleep; cradlesong 2. any lulling song. verb (used with object) 3. to lull with or as with a lullaby Many parents cradle their baby and sing them... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Charity Work, Mama's Stuff

[caption id="attachment_3247" align="aligncenter" width="150"] Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net[/caption] Today I watched the Tesco Mum of the Year Awards and can't believe the amazing women who won. I'm sure there were plenty of... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Charity, Charity Work, Fundraising, Mama's Stuff

Happy Birthday to Youuu Happy Birthday to Yoouuu Happyyyy Birth-dayyyy Comic Relieeefff Happy Birthday to Yooouuuu! Today is Comic Relief's 25th Birthday and I want to share with you the Digital Postcard that the lovely ladies from #TeamHonk sent me whilst... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: GoodWork, TeamHonk, Charity Work, Comic Relief, Ghana, Mama's Stuff

It's been 25 years since the first ever Comic Relief, which launched on February 5th 1988 and since then there has been several hundred million of Great British Pounds raised (around £800 million, I believe). On twitter last week there was a hash tag... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: TeamHonk, Charity Work, Comic Relief, Ghana

As most of you know I went to Cybher last weekend. I came away full of things I wanted to do. Whilst there I had a lovely chat with the people from World Vision and I signed up to sponsor a child. Its been something that has been on my mind for a while,... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Charity Work, Child, Niger, Sponsorship

Back in September I wrote a post about Save the Children and to try and get you, my readers, to sign a petition for David Cameron to fulfil his part in solving the Health Worker Crisis. Since then, I have taken the steps to join Save the Children as a... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: 66Cities, Charity Work, Save The Children

I heard about Operation Christmas Child (OCC) a few years ago and always wanted to get involved. Unfortunately, things crop up and I never quite managed it. Operation Christmas Child, run by the charity Samaritans Purse , is the Worlds Largest Christmas... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Charity Work, Children, Christmas, OCC

On Saturday 17th September 2011, an event was held in London for Bloggers and Vloggers. Unfortunately, I didn't attend, but I am able to help out....and so are you!!! On Tuesday. 20th September 2011, there is a UN General Assembly in New York and Save... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Charity Work, Save The Children