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I have been tagged by the lovely Jenny over at Mummy Mishaps to join in with the latest Meme started by MammyWoo. The Meme is simple, if you would like to join in: Select 3 Songs by 3 different artists and 3 sets of lyrics that touch you in some way.... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Link-Ups, Meme

This week, the theme over on The Gallery is Faces. Faces can mean so much. They come in all different shapes, sizes and colours and offer a wide range of expressions and emotions. I have lots of different pictures of faces. I have pictures of my children... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Photography, The Gallery

As promised, here is the BritMums Blog Prompt: Part 2! (See, told you I would do both didn't I!) So, the 'Blogging' Prompt is: "What do you hope to achieve through blogging? What makes your blog UNIQUE and SPECIAL?" Gosh, BritMums really do like us to... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Blog Prompt, BritMums, Link-Ups

Last week I didn't get round to doing both of the blog prompts set my BritMums! I know, I know, slap my wrist, but I was just so busy, yet I cannot remember what I spent my week doing!! I WILL do both prompts this week! I promise!! So, first up, Personal... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Blog Prompt, BritMums, Link-Ups

It only seems like the children have been back to school 5 minutes, and it's "Half Term" time again!! I now have a week where I am to entertain 3 children (rather than just the 1). Its near Christmas, meaning all those pennies are needed, otherwise there... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Mama's Mumblings

Infacol,the UK’s leading colic relief treatment, is offering one lucky person the chance to win a £500 worthof baby goodies and raising awareness of colic in the process. Infacol’s new social media pages officially launched on 3rd October 2011 (Facebook... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Giveaways

The BritMums have 2 blogging prompts again this week. As usual, I will attempt both. So, the personal prompt for this week is: "If I could have ONE whole day to myself, I would ..." Hmm, this is a tough one. I could say read, sleep (we don't get much... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Blog Prompt, BritMums, Link-Ups

Today, Sataurday 15th October 2011, is Infant and Baby Loss Rememberance Day. It is a day where we remember all the babies that did not make here and were either lost before, during or after birth. As well as the infants that were taken too soon from... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Baby Loss, Miscarriage, Pregnancy & Birth

This week over on The Gallery the theme is "Inspirational People". Tara wants us to know who inspires us in our lives. Here is my contribution: Ok, so I'm not normally one for gushy, mushy bumf and I am not one to broadcast how I feel (especially not... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Photography, The Gallery

So, after Part 1 yesterday of the BritMums Blog Prompt here is Part 2. The second blog prompt for this week is: Personal Prompt: Share with us the BEST DAY you've ever spent with your kids/family. Well, its a really tough one as there have been many good... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Blog Prompt, BritMums, Link-Ups