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This week's theme for the The Gallery is Home. This is what Tara over at Sticky Fingers has said about the challenge she has set: "There's no place like it, right? So what makes your home 'home'? What's your favourite bit, a favourite corner, a room with... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Photography, The Gallery

I love taking pictures of my family. I have hundreds of them sitting on my hardrive. I take a fair few pics every day of my children, as I like to try and capture every moment and watch them grow (plus they love having their pictures taken!). However,... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Competition, Digital, Giveaways, Photography, Review, Reviews, Scrapbooking

This week Tara over at Sticky Fingers has set the theme for The Gallery as "Guilty Pleasures". My guilty pleasure is probably fairly predictable and probably a lot of women's guilty pleasure also. You get suckered in by the aroma and the texture....and... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Photography, The Gallery

When I was 17 I was diagnosed as a "Manic Depressive". I self harmed and was put on at "at risk of suicide" register with my local Mental Health Team. My upbringing was OK. I wouldn't say it was great. My mother wasn't very nurturing. I don't remember... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Counselling, Depression, PND, Post Natal Depression

So, the new blogging prompt set by BritMums this week is: I cannot live without... What can't I live without? Well....it would have to be my iPhone! What on earth did I do without my iPhone? I cannot remember what my life was like without my iPhone! I... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Blog Prompt, BritMums, Link-Ups

On Saturday 17th September 2011, an event was held in London for Bloggers and Vloggers. Unfortunately, I didn't attend, but I am able to help out....and so are you!!! On Tuesday. 20th September 2011, there is a UN General Assembly in New York and Save... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Charity Work, Save The Children

SuperNanny App for iPhone - £1.99 I have always been a fan of SuperNanny, so was excited to get the chance to review her application for the iPhone.I always try to implement the SuperNanny methods, but sometimes find I can't remember the full steps. This... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: App, iPhone, Review, Reviews, SuperNanny

This is the title of this weeks blog prompt over on BritMums. They want to know, if we could start our blog over, what would we change or do differently. I'm fairly new to blogging, so I have it just how I want it (for now). I am fairly happy with my... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Blog Prompt, BritMums, Link-Ups

So this week's theme for The Gallery is A Happy Memory. The most obvious happy memories for me would be meeting P, Our wedding, finding out we were pregnant (all 5 times) and then obviously the birth of our 3 wonderful children. But, those happy memories... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Photography, The Gallery

So, I was standing in the playground this afternoon waiting for J to come out of class and couldn't help over hearing a conversation that a few mums were having. They were discussing children and behaviour whilst out and about. Their children are in the... [Continue reading]

Tagged With: Children, Mama's Mumblings, Quiet