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I’m going to BritMums Live

So the countdown to BritMums Live has begun! Next Friday (22nd) I shall be on a train on my way to London to attend one of THE blogging events of the year and I'm super excited!

However, I don't feel that prepared. I have my Blogger "business" cards and obviously my ticket and that's about it really.

I don't really have anything to wear. Being 5 months pregnant my wardrobe is limited and I feel like a whale in almost everything. I need something comfortable, yet stylish (yeah, ok me and style don't really mix but hey, I'm trying!).

I also need to go through the schedule and see which talks I want to attend. How I'm going to choose though I don't know! There are some great speakers attending.

I need to also arrange to meet up with people. Luckily I've had the pleasure of meeting a few fellow bloggers, but nothing is worse than turning up to an event, not knowing anyone and feeling like a duck out of water. So, if anyone wants to meet up, whether we've met before or not, just Holla!!

I can't wait to attend this event! It's gonna be fab....and if course, if you follow me on Twitter, I'll be tweeting throughout the day and obviously there will be a blog post (or more) about the event.

Tagged With: Blogging, BritMums, Events