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Yep, our little Z is 19 weeks old! Where on earth has the last 19 weeks gone! It really does only seem like yesterday that I announced I was pregnant, and now he's here and over 4 months old already.

He is still a little boy, inbetween Newborn and 0-3mth clothes. However, I am a bad mummy and do not know his current weight. Truth be told, he has not been weighed since we last saw the Health Visitor..... for his 6 week checks!

He is trying to pull himself up from laying down now, and when sitting on you he will pull himself forward and hold his weight and sit there, unaided for a few seconds. He coo's a lot and has just started to do that cute little baby chuckle!

We are still exclusively breast feeding, however I don't think it will be too long until we start with weaning. He's started feeding more frequently during the day as well as at night. I spend most nights tossing and turning in bed with him alternating feeding sides.

We are still co-sleeping and will continue to as we do not have the room for the cot to go back up. Thankfully it's not too much of a wriggler.....yet!

Sometimes I really can't wait to for the next few milestones, but then I really don't want him to grow up too fast. He's our last baby and I want to cherish every moment.

Tagged With: Birth and Beyond