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I can't believe it's been 6 months. Six whole months since my beautiful baby boy made his surprise early arrival and in a totally unexpected way.

6 months he has been with us, yet it feels like he has always been here. He slotted in so nicely to our family unit with not much mishap.

He is becoming his own little person and developing a little persona. He's a cheeky little thing who likes attention and to be spoken to. He will blow raspberries at you in return. He is known to be a little grumpy. He enjoys cuddles and laughs at every nappy change.

He is very dainty and small still, and 0-3mths close are loose. He is trying to sit unaided but that's about all he will do at the moment. But that's ok, they all develop at their own pace.

We have accomplished 6months of breastfeeding and we will continue to breastfeed for as long as he wants it.

We have just started the weaning phase. We are on purée food as even though I like the idea of baby led weaning, my concern is that he is so small that he'll choke. We are still finding foods that he likes, which is not a lot at the moment. Perseverance is the key here.

He is still not sleeping through, but that's ok. We co-sleep which we are enjoying and allows him to be close to me that we both get some sleep.

He may be a bit grumpy, a bit clingy and sometimes a little attention seeker.....but when he gives me that smile when he wakes, and the way he grabs my face when I steal a little kiss, he just melts my heart!

I wouldn't have him any other way.


Tagged With: Birth and Beyond