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I don't 'do' messy play. Those who know me in real life know how much this petrified me.

It takes a lot for me to let the children loose with crafts and messy play is completely out of my comfort zone.

Jennie from Edspire loves getting messy with her children and it has inspired a lot of people, including me. Jennie has set up #MessyPlayForMatildaMae as a legacy to Baby Tilda who sadly passed away in February this year ages 9months. She loved messy play and Jennie is trying to encourage more parents to play with their kids.

So this is what I'm trying to do. Even though the thought petrifies me, I'm trying it!!

I bought a huge 76 litre cement mixing tray with high sides (you can but shallow "tuff spot" trays, which I'm also looking to get).

As we have never done messy play I thought we'd start off fairly simple.

We have a few people figures and animals. I put them in the tray and covered with shaving foam (just cheap supermarket own). I added 2 pots of water to wash off the animals and people. 20130407-203428.jpg
K was straight in there and having fun. Toddler on the other hand wasn't so keen. "No Mama. Messy" was her response to it. I tried explaining that was the point, but she wouldn't take part. 20130407-203644.jpg
I think I have a bit of work to do on her, but I'm sure we'll get there!! 20130407-203732.jpg
If you want to find out more about #MessyPlayForMatildaMae and see what others have got up to, then click the picture below:


Tagged With: Messy Play. Sensory, Sensory & Messy Play